Краткая история
Нижнего Новгорода

OFFICIAL HISTORY (site to town administration)

The History of the city Nizhny Novgorod begins in 1221. Nizhny Novgorod was founded beside place of the merging of the great russian rivers - a Volga and Oka by prince YUriem (Georgiem) Vsevolodovichem in 1221 as supporting point of the defence of the russian borders from foray militant nomads.

The City has got the name "Nizhny" - possible, therefore that is located was in lowers lands comparatively Novgoroda Great, possible, comparatively already existed in four km on Oka "old borough" upwards, mentioning about which was saved up to begin 17 ages.

The First tree-earth fortress has occupied exceedingly profitable in military-strategic attitude place - dominating on merging Oka with Volga mountain, beautifully protected on the one hand by deep ravine, with other - on the part of Volga - a steep breakaway of the coast. At the first years 2 were built in flint whitestone temple - an evident acknowledgement that that city obviously pretended on special role in system of the grounds Vladimiro - Suzdaliskoy Light brown, but mongolo-tatar invasion did not give this is sold.

The Information about Nizhny Novgorode 13 centuries extremely scanty. But the known that after mess he was quickly revived. On short time cell in him was installed "democratic republic" on type Novgoroda Great.

The Site of the city and has defined his(its) the most further fate. After completion tatar occupation Nizhny Novgorod is constantly mentionned in russian chronicle, fortifications as large political and economic centre NORTHEASTERLY Light brown, remaining spiritual stronghold of the orthodoxy in Povolzhie. In this time he quite often served the object a conflict under shares spheres of the influence between taken power Moscow and Tveriyu. Time, when Nizhny was named by capital of the grand duchy, which has existed more 50 years (1341-1392 gg.) and did not yield Moscow and Tveri in longing lead on Rusiyu. Seventeen once for history of the city approached to Nizhny enemies and not ravaged, but city was revived newly and newly.

With the end XV age reliable stronghold Moscow becomes on many decennial events Nizhny in fight for great river way. In this time in city is raised stone kremlin, became by prominent building russian fortification art.

The Analysis of the architecture and engineering particularities Nizhegorodskogo flint has allowed his restorer S.L. Agafonovu to do the unambiguous conclusion about construction of the fortresses russian master. The Kremlin has got thirteen tower in general perimeter fortress sewer (Dmitrievskuyu, Powder, Georgievskuyu, Borisoglebskuyu, Zachatievskuyu (both dilapidated), Turn white, Sentry, Ivanovskuyu, North, Taynickuyu, Koromyslovu, Nikoliskuyu, Kladovuyu) and 14 - an outlet tower united with Dmitrievskimi winch stood through 30-metre trench by stone arched bridge (did not).

From sewer this flint in winter 1612 has emerged the militia with Kozimoy Mininym at the head and Dmitriem Pozharskim for fight with polish-lithuanians invader. The History has saved the appeal of the patriot Kozimy Minina to нижегородскому folk: "About, brother and frends, all nizhnegorodsky folk! That shall create now, sighted Moscow state in great ravaging?.. We shall Call itself in Nizhny New hail brave and manly warrior Moskovskago state, reliable aristocrates hails Smolenska, now bo they approach hail our, in Arzamas town". Nizhegorodcy have unanimously supported the call. The Self-sacrifice and military feat nizhnegorodskaya militias Russia were dispensed from foreign occupants.

After "strifes" Nizhegorodskoe Povolzhie has got in comparatively peace condition to lifes possibility quickly to develop the agriculture, industry, trade and culture. In this time Nizhegorodchina in многом defined the level trade-industrial and artistic development of the whole country. Here forms and acts the most largest in country Makarievskaya fair, arises old-religios motion, chieftain-ideologueses which (Avvakum Petrov, Stefan Vnifantiev, Pavel Kolomenskiy) and their irreconcilable enemies (the patriarch Nikon, metropolitan Ryazanskiy and Muromskiy Ilarion) were an citizens. In 1672 in Nizhny Novgorod was found Mitropolia.

With taking Ivanom Awesome Kazani (in 1552), but then and Astrahani Lower Novgorod ed the centre, through which went whole trade Russian state with Orient. In 17 ages Lower Novgorod was a centre of the mass shaping ship caravan, hiring on them сотен thousands working. The Salt, fish and east goods with come with Astrahani naves were here overloaded on court smaller precipitation(draft), risen in high Oka and Volga hereinafter. Already then Nizhny Novgorod became the large centre of the shipbuilding. As a whole city were much develop crafts: in 1622, for instance, citizens have 119 craft-commercial profession.
28 May 1722 during Persian march in Nizhny Novgorod profit Petr First, 30 May he has celebrated here its fiftieth anniversary.

Rise Nizhny Novgoroda happens to On XVIII age as administrative centre. Since 1714 city became the State Town, comprised of itself in miscellaneous time Vyatskuyu, Kostromskuyu, Penzenskuyu state and Alatyrskuyu province. The Conversion Lower Novgoroda in "capital of" significant region to Russia benefical told on development of all sides to lifes of the city: industry, trade, enlightenments, medicine, cultures, sciences and urban planning. In this time in Lower Novgorode were an open civil hospital and drugstore, have came into play public quotient theatres (the theatre N.G. SHahovskogo - one of the most old in country (is founded in 1798). In 1786 in Nizhny Novgorode was openly four-year mundane main public school. In 1792 in Lower Novgorode was created State printing house.

On border 18 and 19 ages Lower Novgorod became large scientific and cultural centre of the country. Here veins mechanical engineer-self-taught I.P. Kulibin, mathematician N.I. Lobachevskiy, scientist with world name Damaskin, seen teacher I.I. Kuzhelev, historian N. Iliinskiy, writer-travellier В. Baranschikov and many others.

At the beginning initially 19 ages citizens have taken the active participation in Domestic war. The Local militia participated in foreign march of the russian troopses before full victory on Napoleonom and was disbanded only on upshot 1815.

Many from decembrist were are anyway connected with Nizhegorodchinoy: M.P. BESTUZHEV-Ryumin, Alexander and Nikolay Kryukovy, S.P. Trubeckoy, I.A. Annenkov, N.V. SHeremetiev, V.I. Belavin, F.P. SHahovskoy, A.N. The Ant. The First, who in utopian image has expressed the ideals Decabrizm, was also citizen - a musicologist and performer A.D. Ulybyshev.

In 1816 in Makarieve has burned;burnted незадолго before that was build a complex of the fair. Hereon all-russian торжище was carried on Strelicu Oka and Volga under Lower Novgorod that cardinal has changed the look and nature to lifes of the city. On project and under the direction of A.A. Betankura was build ensembles of the fair.

Hereunder trade importance of the city else more increased, having brought forth Nizhny Novgorod on position of the third city in Russia.

She has existed more centuries and had exclusive importance in histories of russian trade not only and shaping all-russian market, but also pertained to count;calculate;list the most largest fairs in the world.

The most largest town building of the transformation of the city happen to On 30-40 19 ages.

Vozvedennye multiple public buildings and quotient of the kaufhauses remain the main artistic valuable architectral background history part city.

2 and September 3 1833, journey in Orenburgskiy edge for functioning(working) on subject of the peasant war under leadership E. Pugacheva, in Nizhny Novgorode stopped A.S. Pushkin. He twice visitted in flint, from the end in the end cross trade Rozhdestvenskuyu street, walked on territory famous Makarievskoy fairs. The Impressions from visit last poet carry in corresponding to chapter "Evgeniya Onegina".

In medium 19 ages centre to cultural life in city traditionally remained the building seen her(its) figures: V.I. give, A.D. Ulybysheva, A.S. Gaciskogo. V.G. Korolenko, F.I. SHalyapin and others, not being citizens on birth, also known in lifes of the city by deals their own. The City was long ago known music interest, and open in Lower in 70-h year XIX age music school pertains to the first in russian province. And the first in provinces artistic exhibition was organized in Lower Novgorode as far back as 1886. And founders domestic artistic and pubic to photographies A.O. Karelin and M.P. Dmitriev veins and toilled in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Important push preparation became in development of all sides cultures and undertaking in Nizhny Novgorod All-russian industrial-artistic exhibition 1896: building of the town theatre was built on str.Big Pokrovskoy.

In Dmitrievskoy tower flint were opened history and artistic exposure, from which modern Nizhegorodskiy artistic museum and Historian-architectral museum-game reserve. Gradostroitelinoe recostruction Nizhny Novgorod to opening of the exhibition, arrival many seen architectors to Russia L. Benua, A. Orange, I. Petrova-Ropeta, engineer V. SHuhova, V. Kossova raise architectural-artistic life of the city. On border of the ages significant number valuable monument appeared in city.

In 1883 russian merchant N.A. Bugrov has offered the power build for poor special house opposite Krestovozdvizhnecheskogo priory. His project has developed the architect N.A. Fredlih.

In 1897 Duma has solved to raise on Blagoveschenskoy area (pl.Minina) administrative building. Facades were stylized In the total system under "Ancient Rusi". In 1903- 1904 gg. under control of the architect N.M. Veshnyakova was winnowed decorating interior. If speak of epoch begin XX v. interiors of the building remain in artistic attitude the most valuable. Their own forms building links the architecture a Flint with diffirent style architectures adjoining region of the city.

The Prime examples of the building in "new russia key" was a building of the State bank, built on project Vladimira Aleksandrovicha Pokrovskogo in 1913. As a whole architecture of the building has an no analogue in histories russian architectures and is a fruit of the rich creative imagination of the author of the project. The Semicircular towers, высуп on north facade are associated with defense building of the type to fortresses or lock, but the main volume of the building - with enormous boyar chamber. The Unique painting of the interior is executed by P.P. and N.P. Pashkovymi.

With begin 30-h gg. 20 ages city became to carry the name of the proletarian writer A.M. Bitter. The stage of the active industrial growing of the city begins After revolution.

Gorikovskiy car plant was built for 17 months and is carried in formation acting 1 January 1932. The Roads of the country have flooded the cargo cars a GAS-AA, passenger GAS-А, M-1., after Great Domestic war - GAZ-51, GAZ-63, GAZ-66, "Victory", "Volga".

Nearly simultaneously with automobile factory construction began in Bitter and row other large industrial enterprise, for instance, plant milling tool.

After civil war Sormovskiy plant, founded as far back as 1849 as shipyard, has vastly increased the production. Except locomotive, the coach, citizens started to release river and sea court, powerful diesels. In 50-h year сормовские constructors under the direction of R.E. Alekseeva created in principal new types river and sea court "Rocket" and "Meteor".

View on Pecherskiy priory under Nizhny Novgorod

Person Minin appeals to inhabitant Nizhny Novgorod

Memorial monument founder Nizhny Novgorod

Burial vault of the Seraphim Sarovsky

Angular tower wall Makarievsky priory

Nizhny Novgorod. Fair complex

Kremlin - a most powerful fortress to Russia in XIII age

Obelisk Mininu and Pozharskomu on background of the Archangelsk cathedral

Parade Victory Day

In Reverently-Diveevskom nunneries

Cathedral Alexander Nevsky

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